You’ve got big dreams.
You want nothing more than to follow your heart and share your beautiful creative gifts and talents, but your relationship with money is stopping you.
You’ve tried so hard to let go, but the patterns stubbornly persist.
Affirmations, positive thinking, and law of attraction aren’t working.
You’re starting to feel like you’re cursed. What’s really going on?
You have good reasons for treating money the way you do. I invite you to consider…
If growing up you observed a family member make money only to lose it, or have it taken away traumatically, your subconscious has installed the program “it’s unsafe for me to have money”. Your mind doesn’t want that happening to you, so it becomes safer to avoid having money as protection. You either won’t receive it, or you’ll spend everything in order to get rid of it and return to safety again.
If your family or your cultural identity struggled with poverty, your subconscious identifies with the label ‘poor’ – the opposite to rich. You can’t be both to your ego mind.
If you were never accepted unconditionally for who you were, and instead had to conform to your family’s expectations of you – as good, well-behaved, responsible, quiet, and non-emotional, you have internalized shame. Shame is the voice that says I have to reject myself in order to be accepted. It’s not OK to be me.
If you are not living your dreams, your inner child is still yearning for their validation and approval. This unconscious drive for completion locks you in the past and blocks your wealth and happiness.
In all of these cases, receiving or keeping money has been associated with pain, trauma, and abuse. It’s deeply unconscious. No matter how many affirmations you repeat, or even learning financial education at this point won’t make a difference because safety trumps everything.
In order to survive, you had to trade your happiness for tribal loyalty. Safety is the number one drive for human beings – even over love.
If money feels stuck in survival mode for you, you can’t rely on others, you don’t trust life, and you can’t open up to receive. What’s needed is to move the energy up from the root chakra to the heart chakra – into love and appreciation.
You won’t be able to do that and let money in until it becomes safe for you. And that cannot happen until you uncover the unconscious agreements you made to place other people’s needs above your own.
I’ll show you exactly what yours are, and help you let go for good.
Let’s get down to the root…to who you were before you were forced to dim your innocence and light…back to a time you were powerfully connected to your essence.
Abundance flows when you are your true self.
Money Mindset Reboot is a private, live, personal coaching program designed to identify and heal your specific money patterns in a safe, compassionate, therapeutic space. I’ll help you overcome your barriers, whether they are rooted in unworthiness, judgment towards money or the wealthy, scarcity, lack, fear of success, or other family/cultural patterns, especially ancestral.
I will take you deep into the web of patterns that are connected to your story of money…some of them already known to you, and others you have yet to discover are connected to money.
My approach is a combination of trauma healing, psychosomatic energy release, and at times, correction of false money concepts. As a Certified Trauma Integration Practitioner, I am trauma-informed. This means I am trained to work with you in a way that does not re-traumatize you, or force you to re-live painful memories. The story, while important, is not the focus. We work powerfully with the root cause of the issue, which is repressed traumatic energy stuck in the body – both emotion and sensation.
I am continually receiving higher guidance and questions to ask you throughout. A client described me like an ‘acupuncturist’ – I know exactly where to direct attention and connect the different threads of a person’s experience together to illuminate and then release the energy.
My process involves several steps. Following an interview to understand your experiences with money growing up, my “Money Belief Inventory” exercise identifies your ranking on the full spectrum of 65 limiting beliefs. I’ll help you to understand the money scripts your child-self created, and the hidden benefits keeping these patterns in place.
At this stage of increased awareness, some will dissipate on their own. For what remains, we’ll work with your subconscious mind to identify the deep emotions and physical sensations that are ready to come up and be released. I’ll guide you to safely release them somatically through a variety of exercises by working with the wisdom of your own body. Many clients experience very visceral releasing, clearing and opening inside their bodies. Cognitively they knew some of their patterns, but the physical movement of trapped energy is what leads to real change.
Your healing may be financial, emotional, spiritual, mental or physical depending on what you need, and how deep you are ready to go.
Usually our most difficult issues are rooted in past lives, both our own, and our family ancestral lineage. These are the kinds of unknown blocks that hold you back from a life of abundance. You must release the bind of scarcity first, which means let go agreeing to carry other people’s pain over your life purpose. Only then can you come out of the survival/trauma response and into a place where you create space for your own truth to emerge. Now you can embody your own unique essence and power, and therefore call in what you desire.
We’ll meet online for one hour weekly over 6 weeks, scheduled at your convenience.
How’s your relationship with anger?
When we are forced to repress our true needs and authentic self-expression, anger and resentment are the natural result.
While many of us are familiar with grief, we often struggle with anger and rage. This is particularly true for women because it isn’t socially acceptable to express, and the intensity can be frightening. You may also feel guilty for having anger towards your parents. Yet embracing it as part of your healing process holds the key to restoring your power and life force.
Anger is an alarm that tells you you are not honouring yourself. I’ll help you to work constructively with anger and show you it’s enormous transformational power in returning you to wholeness. My goal is to help you understand how anger and rage are actually your own love forced underground.
Once the old energy is discharged, I’ll help you connect to your higher self to feel self love in its place. If love is not part of the healing process, it is incomplete. You have been harsh on yourself for far too long. It’s time to give tender, nurturing compassion to yourself. This is how you prepare your heart to receive from others, especially money.
What can you expect?
You’ll reconnect to your repressed power and be able to live as yourself in a bold new way.
You will let go of the existential fear of outshining and disappointing your family.
People-pleasing, codependency, and over-giving will no longer drain you.
You will shed negative societal and family beliefs and programming that were never yours to begin with, clearing space for YOUR truth to emerge.
Shame, fear and guilt will no longer control you.
You will create your own relationship with money, power and wealth, no longer feeling trapped by the polarization of either supporting a corrupt oppressive system or living outside of it to remain in integrity.
Your needs will finally become important enough to manifest into reality.
You will feel GOOD in your body.
You’ll finally be able to honour your heart and live the deeply fulfilling life that you know is your birthright.
In anchoring self worth, you will alter your scarcity mindset and change your relationship with money forever. You will be able to call in and receive what you desire, in integrity with your truth.
This program is for you if:
It feels unsafe to be seen for who you really are inside. You are afraid to speak your truth.
You readily give yourself to others, but struggle to receive. You are highly independent so you don't have to risk the pain of depending on others.
Somehow it feels like you don't get to have a voice. You've tried not to have any needs, or it's a fight to get them met.
Financially, you feel like you are self-sabotaging your life. You are struggling with debt, poor spending habits, a low salary or charging clients what you are worth. Perhaps you are discounting the importance of money altogether.
You are ready to stop the self-abandonment and learn how to really be with your emotions.
You've tried other solutions like therapy and various forms of healing but they don't go deep enough to the real root. You want the truth more than anything now, and you are ready to face your pain.
You are ready to deeply see and begin the process of letting go of your patterns of control, building trust and opening up to life.
You want to create a healthy relationship with money, not out of materialism, but genuine support, flow, and receiving.
“Within 2 months, I had 2 new sources of income, and I’m now saving over $1000 a month, which I’ve never done in my life! Danielle’s sessions are seriously worth their weight in gold. She has helped clear my negative beliefs about money. Danielle is not only one of the brightest shining lights out there, she is extremely professional, diligent, and supportive. I love this lady and could not recommend her more highly.”
“I came across Danielle’s Money Mindset Reboot program when I was looking for a coach with practical financial management skills as well as an understanding of the psychology of money.
I already had a structured system for spending and investing money, but I still worried about it every day and had no vision beyond my current earning potential. The control required to keep it in place was draining. I recognized that emotional issues were at the root of this continual striving without meaningful results. I decided to commit to paying someone to help me work through traumatic experiences that were limiting my beliefs about money.
As it turns out there is no substitute for collaborating with a coach with the skills and gifts that Danielle possesses to truly recognize (and feel) the experiences, beliefs and behavior that get in the way of being able to aim for higher financial goals.
As a result of working with Danielle, not only have I stopped worrying about money completely(!), I have experienced a seemingly magical shift that has resulted in me realizing the path to buying a house and reducing my monthly expenses by a third without actually trying. I am not a believer in magic and miracles, but I am a believer in the results of the process she will offer you and I absolutely recommend her services.”
“I didn’t even know that I was afraid of money. Danielle led me step by step to my unresolved wounds buried from my childhood, adolescence, and my current life. She helped me find the beliefs that were sabotaging my abundance, and opened my mind to accept that I can have money and shine as God commands! I don’t have a fear of money anymore. Thank you Danielle. I love being surrounded by women who are generating such an impact on the new world we are creating!”
Although it’s been over a year since you coached me, I still find myself consistently becoming aware of my thoughts and words about money. So many of my money issues have their roots in belief systems and these systems are being uprooted in amazing, rapid ways. My husband and I feel empowered, on top of our game, and vibrant.”
I would have not known how to confidently go about this without your guidance and insight. Thank you for your warmth and compassion. You really gave me the space and encouragement I needed to let go of my guilt about my finances. Money can bring out the worst in us, but I felt totally safe and supported by you.”
“Danielle is the real deal. She has the rare talent of effortlessly zoning into whatever block you wish to remove, and providing a roadmap for understanding and mastering opportunities for healing. Any time with her is highly valuable, as you cycle quickly to your breakthroughs. She is a formidable ally.”
“Personally and professionally I was really frustrated with my financial situation. I had been working so hard to create the life I desired, not understanding the difference between building from ease and abundance rather than strife and scarcity.
Danielle helped me to get real clarity about what I was doing. What a revelation that was!! I finally understand the meaning of abundance and am able to align with it so profoundly and naturally.
What changed in my life was the realization that I could divorce my old narrative and be grounded in my vision which allowed me to start creating the future I truly desired.
I now have a new contract with myself and my soul. I feel I am the captain of my ship and am learning how to draw on the assistance of others to help me sail it.
Danielle’s approach really helped me to go deep within myself and ignite my self-love in new ways. I could be a better version of myself, even in my 50s, and especially, as a single woman.
She’s a gift and I am proud to include her in my circle of go-to-people. She’s wise, intuitive, professional, and down to earth. But most of all, she is a marvel to work with.
“I came to Danielle in debt, overwhelmed by money and stuck. She helped me transition from a seemingly impossible financial situation. My beliefs have shifted dramatically – now I’m gainfully employed in my field, optimistic about my future and excited about growing wealth. It is evident she cares deeply for the people she is helping. She has truly opened my eyes and mind to a new me and way of life. “
Is it time for you to strip away the blocks that hold you back from your full potential and create a healthy relationship with money?
This program includes:
♥ Your full Money Inventory Belief Ranking and Money Script Analysis
♥ Six private, 60 minute online live coaching sessions scheduled at your convenience
♥ Unlimited support via email or social media chat during our time together
♥ Custom follow up actions tailored to exactly what you need to heal, let go, and grow
♥ Your ebook on working with trauma, difficult emotions, and forgiveness
♥ A new, healthy relationship with money that lovingly supports you to be yourself
Your investment:
$888 CAD
Payment plans are available.
To learn if this program is right for you, schedule your free consultation today.
“If you are ready to go deep, you are in for an extraordinary and unforgettable journey with someone who has a real talent, heart-led passion, and deep intuition for addressing and resolving blocks to wealth.
Before I started working with Danielle, I had no real control over my money. Sometimes I had and made loads of money; sometimes I had none. I’ve trained primary teachers in rural Rwanda and nannied oligarch’s children, so I’ve had first-hand experience of extreme poverty and unrestrained opulence.
Danielle coached me during my transition from working for someone else to working for myself. For anyone who has done this, it can bring up all kinds of hairy scary demons and money monsters. While I can’t pretend that all my fears magically vanished, with Danielle’s help I’m far better equipped to deal with them when they arise. I have the tools and self-talk to change my thinking and approach any money concerns in very different ways now. I’m a lot less fearful about money and I feel I have more control of how it comes into my life.
I remember the day after our first session eagerly emailing Danielle to let her know that the company I worked for had paid me my 8 days leave, so I had immediately manifested £1500! But just in case you think it might have been a fluke, other sums kept trickling in over the following weeks. My bank corrected an error before I noticed and gave me £30, my mobile phone provider took my payment twice and to apologise gave me £50, and a credit card I closed 3 years ago sent me £300 in unclaimed credit.
While each session was unique, I learned that I, as an adult, was finally capable of addressing the wounds and trauma that my infant self was so overwhelmed by. I am now safe and able to take care of myself. The irony of this statement is that to anyone who knows me I’ve always been highly independent, but internally, this has always been overcompensating for my sense of insecurity. The other powerful internal shift was around recognising and voicing my needs when they’re not being met. Years of cultivating emotional harmony had deadened my capacity to feel what I needed.
I know it’s a cliché, but I really can’t recommend Danielle highly enough. My only caveat is that you need to be willing to go deep as her methods and techniques are profound and life lifechanging. Danielle is sensitive, highly perceptive, and an incredibly competent catalyst for change. You know you are in safe hands to explore tender and emotional issues.
No matter how much money you do or don’t have, I can guarantee that Danielle can help you improve your financial situation. I wish I had big enough words to express my appreciation and gratitude for the incredible work we did together!”