by Danielle Alexandria | Aug 25, 2020 | Beliefs, Spirituality, trauma, Wealth
There’s an expression that goes something like this… While everyone wants money, wealthy people desire freedom, while the poor man craves security. This is a really important distinction to understand. Let’s talk about financial security (insecurity). If you ask...
by Danielle Alexandria | Aug 27, 2019 | Financial Education, investing, Wealth
If you’re interested in creating wealth, there are 3 fundamental concepts you must understand. These are compounding, assets, and leverage. Today I’m starting with the foundation – compounding. We’ll dive into the mechanics of how money works,...
by Danielle Alexandria | Jan 10, 2019 | debt, Financial Education, investing, savings, spending, Wealth
It’s a brand new year and we’re looking at simple yet powerful ways to create good financial health. Yesterday we explored how easy it is to begin an automatic savings plan. Today, in part two of our series, let’s take a closer look at what so many of us...
by Danielle Alexandria | Mar 20, 2018 | Beliefs, Financial Education, Goals, Strategy, Wealth
Despite our culture’s obsession with getting rich overnight, creating wealth is truly a long-term game. To set yourself up to be successful, it’s best to think of the tortoise as opposed to the hare. Slow and steady wins the race. For most of us, this will...