Happy 2019!
Is it just me, or did the new year sneak up on you too?
If you’re like most of us, you’ve made some snazzy New Years resolutions, and they might just include money – saving more, earning more, and truly feeling abundant.
So, over the next three days I’d love to share 3 simple tips to help you get your finances on track for 2019!
Today let’s start with the foundation of good financial health – savings.
Now is the time to leverage your natural motivation to start the year off right and begin an automatic savings plan.
What amount can you commit to that feels manageable to you RIGHT NOW?
$10 a day, perhaps $5?
For clients who are struggling with cash flow, I’ve recommended amounts as low as $1 a day. Yes, that’s it!
The most important thing with a savings plan is NOT the amount – it’s forming the habit of gifting yourself this money instead of spending it for temporary pleasure (often on who knows what?!)
This is because with money, time is your greatest asset. I’ll share more on the basics of this in another post soon.
Once your savings habit feels automatic, it will be easy for you to increase the amount over time. Baby steps.
There are two ways you can approach this.
Open a new online bank account just for savings (and destroy the card so you can’t spend it). This is your GIFT to yourself.
1) Then set up an automatic transfer from your regular account to happen as you wish – the day after you get paid is ideal!
2) If you are more of a tactile person, get a jar or a see-through container you love and physically drop your savings in every day. Seeing it grow in size will naturally motivate you to do more!
There is a rule here – NO touching that cookie jar for ANY reason other than depositing those funds into your savings account! Every month or two, physically deposit your funds at the bank. It will all beautifully add up.
Eventually, you’ll learn how to invest to create money on autopilot. That’s wealth.
This is how you start when you don’t have a lot of money. Just begin. Can you commit to $1 a day?
Tomorrow I’ll share my next tip.
Did this resonate with you? Does an online savings account appeal to you or are you more of a visual see-it and touch-it person? How much are you willing to start saving today? Share below in the comments!